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Cheap Flights from Halifax to Delhi(DEL), India

cheap tickets from Halifax to Delhi

  • We have lowest fares on 25 Airlines from Halifax to Delhi.
  • Total distance between Halifax(YHZ), Canada and Delhi(DEL), India is 10,929 KM.
  • There is no non stop flight to Delhi from Halifax
  • Most convenient connections from Halifax to Delhi is on Air Canada, Lufthansa and Jet airways.
  • Air Canada is our top selling airline to Delhi. We also have phone special fares on AC,KLM,Delta.
  • Most of the flights from Halifax connects through USA, Europe, Middle-east to Delhi.
  • Jet Airways, Emirates, Turkish, Saudi, Etihad Airways flights connect through Toronto from Halifax.
  • Most of Airlines allows 2 piece of baggage for Delhi but United, Delta, KLM, Finn airways allows 1 piece of baggage.

Our top selling Airlines from Halifax(YHZ) to Delhi

  • Air Canada starting from $1196
  • Jet airways flight starting from $1350. Jet airways connect through Toronto, Amsterdam to Delhi.
  • United Airline from $1240
  • Delta starting from $1380
  • Air India starting from $1350. Air India also connects through Toronto.
  • Air France starting from $1110
  • Lufthansa starting from $1250

Cheap flights tickets to Delhi from other Canadian cities

Price match and Price drop guarantee on all Halifax to Delhi Flights.

Nanak Flights offers price match guarantee on all Halifax to Delhi tickets. If you find cheaper tickets on any website, please send us the screenshot in the email with subject "Price match guarantee" and one of our representative will contact you for matching the price of your tickets. We also offer price drop guarantee on all Halifax to Delhi flights. If you find cheaper tickets even after you have purchased and paid for your tickets from us, Please send us the screenshot in the email with Subject "Price drop guarantee" . Please note that price drop will be on the same airline tickets (Same flights and routing and dates) and currency of the purchased tickets should be the same.

March 2025
April 2025